Typhoid Fever : Symptoms, Treatment, Causes, and Prevention

Typhoid Fever


Typhoid fever isĀ a life-threatening infection caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. It is usually spread through contaminated food or water. Once Salmonella Typhi bacteria are ingested, they multiply and spread into the bloodstream.

Due to eating dirty water, bacteria survive in the body Typhoid Fever, in this way, contaminated water enters the body of food, and the infection disease fails. How can this infection be caused by having the same other food? By reaching the digestive system, the number of these bacteria increases very much or the bacteria spreads very fast from one point of one bacteria to another part inside the body and fatigue, fever, cough, cold etc. start in the body.

Causes Of Typhoid

Typhoid fever occurs when a person consumes food and water that has a high concentration of S. typhi bacteria. Apart from this, the faeces of a typhoid patient can also contaminate the water supply around him.

How long does Typhoid bacteria stay in the body?

Once the typhoid fever bacteria enters the body, it remains in the intestine for about 1-3 weeks. After this, it gradually spreads to other tissues and organs by making way in the blood.8 Jul 2023


The ways to avoid typhoid are as follows Especially typhoid is caused by food and lifestyle, for this, there is a need to make some changes in diet and lifestyle.

1. First of all there should be a change in diet, avn foods like onions should stay away from spices and substances.

2. Stay away from all kinds of spices like chilli vinegar etc.

3. Do not eat gas-producing food like pineapple chunks etc.

4. Do not eat all the food and sweets offered with pheasant even in case of infection.

5. Don’t take no to market-made things and don’t eat outdoor food, don’t eat nonveg food at all.

6. Don’t eat such food that you digest out of late, like tea, coffee, and alcohol, avoid taking secrets from typhoid. lifestyle changes

1. Maintain high hygiene Wash your hands with hot water Drink clean boiled water or bottled water Do not eat raw non-veg.

2. Eat well-cooked food only hot.

3. Do not eat substances and food items from outdoor shops, keep infected words away from domestic works, to prevent infection, clean the personality of the infected person’s personality experiment with good nature, keep the water clean, dispose of garbage properly and pollution Free food distribution is essential for all public Infected persons should not share their utensils and food with anyone.

Infected persons should not be made food and eating raw fruits be safe and vegetables, and hot foods should be consumed in this disease. Do not eat stored foods at all.

5. In typhoid, take the doctor’s advice and give bad injections.

Contribution of fruit juice to typhoid disease

1. Drinking the juice of basil and sunflower leaves is very beneficial in typhoid disease.

2. In typhoid fever, extracting the juice of an apple and mixing ginger juice in it gives great relief.

3. Mixing a spoonful of honey in water and drinking it is very beneficial in typhoid.


Typhoid fever is a severe illness caused by Salmonella bacteria and is primarily transmitted through contaminated food and water. Early diagnosis, appropriate treatment with antibiotics, and supportive care are essential for a successful recovery. However, prevention remains the best approach to combat typhoid fever. Vaccination, clean water and food practices, good hand hygiene, sanitation, and public awareness play critical roles in reducing the transmission of this potentially deadly infection. By implementing these preventive measures, we can take significant steps toward eradicating typhoid and ensuring healthier communities worldwide.

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